Every day the mobile market is filled with the latest Smartphones. Recently the major electronics company Panasonic has launched its new Smartphone, Panasonic P51 with Android4.2 Jelly bean. Also we are having the LG Nexus 4 which was released in November last year .
Both of this smartphone have the similar specifications but comes with some little difference that keeps them apart from each other. Let’s check out the Review and battle between the two quad core Android Smartphones.
Hardware (Processor and Operating System)
Operating System
Both of these smartphone has been packed with the latest and trendy processor that is the quad-core and the latest Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS. Panasonic P51 has been manufactured by Panasonic itself while the Nexus 4 is a co-produced by LG and the Google. Though LG is selling the Nexus 4 , so it is considered to be the LG’s Product.
Nexus 4 Smartphone is believed to the first Smartphone which will receive any kind of new OS update in itself. It means one upgrade in future if there is some new version of the Android OS will be there. P51 has been launched last week held the Nexus 4 has gained the global impact as it was launched in November last year.
Nexus 4 features the 1.5 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro Quad-Core Processor with a 400 MHz Adreno 320 GPU while Panasonic P51 Device has been packed with the 1.2GHz MediaTek Quad Core A7 processor with PowerVR Series 5XT Display support.
LG Nexus 4 receives a 4.7 inch WXGA IPS touch display offering a picture resolution of 1280x768pixels. This high resolution has a pixel density of 218 ppi. While the P51 device has a somewhat bigger screen and offers the 5 inch IPS display with 1280x720px resolution getting the lower pixel density of 295 ppi. More the pixel density higher the display quality. So we can judge by this that Nexus 4 may have the best display quality that the P51.
The LG Nexus 4 has got the 8.0 MP rear camera with LED flash and autofocus support and 4x digital zoom. It also has the 1.3MP front facing camera.
The Panasonic P51 also features the equivalent 8.0 MP primary camera with auto focus and LED flashlight. It can record the videos at the higher resolution (1080p). Is also has 1.3MP front camera.